Chun Hung

Real Estate Specialist

The cities of South Florida and Orlando are ideal for investing or living in the United States. They are in constant growth, have a solid rental market, absence of state income taxes, tourism all year round, excellent return on investment, landscapes that you fall in love with and beautiful beaches.

Looking for a new home?

We provide information and data to help you prepare your home for the market and list it for sale.

Do you want to sell your house?

For buyers there is detailed information about the area and neighborhood.

Are you ready to buy your dream home?




Chun Hung


Chun Hung


Chun moved to Miami from Valencia, Venezuela. She has been a salesperson most of her life. At the age of 15, she began helping her parents at the supermarket and was able to understand the true value behind excellent customer service. Before moving abroad, she owned a medium-sized convenience store and was able to run it successfully for over 12 years.

Since arriving in the United States. She continued working as a salesperson, this time for a food service company, selling food supplies to restaurants. With the encouragement of friends and family, she made a career change to become a real estate agent, as she was able to combine her passion for working closely with clients to gain their trust and also their lifelong love. for sales.

The motto that inspires it is that: “THE EXPERIENCE IS NOT EXPENSIVE, IT IS PRICELESS”

Follow me  on my networks.
Facebook Page: chunhungrealtor
Instagram: chunhungrealtor


Chun se mudó a Miami desde Valencia, Venezuela. Ha sido vendedora la mayor parte de su vida.  A la edad de 15 años, comenzó a ayudar a sus padres en el supermercado y fue capaz de entender el verdadero valor detrás de un excelente servicio al cliente.  Antes de mudarse al extranjero, era propietaria de una tienda de conveniencia de tamaño mediano y pudo administrarla con éxito durante más de 12 años.

Desde que llegó a los Estados Unidos. Ella siguió trabajando como vendedora, esta vez para una compañía de servicio de alimentos, vendiendo suministros de alimentos a restaurantes. Con el aliento de amigos y familiares, hizo un cambio de carrera para convertirse en una agente de bienes raíces, ya que fue capaz de combinar su pasión por trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los clientes para ganar su confianza y también su amor de toda la vida por las ventas.

El lema que la inspira es que: “LA EXPERIENCIA NO ES COSTOSA, NO TIENE PRECIO”

Sígueme en mis redes.
Página de Facebook: chunhungrealtor
Instagram: chunhungrealtor



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